Established in 2019, Elite Football Academy has been providing quality futbol training to athletes across the province. At EFA, we focus every effort into the individual development of the athletes, based on a professional philosophy and curriculum. This includes a player centric program provided by qualified, licensed coaches. The Elite training approach provides the environment to succeed!
A learning process that enables the athletes to understand, care about and act on core ethical values!
A growing movement to develop Better Athletes, Better People, which, will have far-reaching positive impacts on our community!
No matter what the mistake ritual entails, it's important for athletes to develop a strategy for overcoming mistakes in sport!
Our Skills & Expertise
- Professional & Semi-professional playing experience
- A combined 20+ years coaching experience
- Canada Soccer Licensed Coaches with a National B License, & Children's License on Staff
- All coaches come from professional working environments
- Registered as an Intermediary/Player Agent with Canada Soccer
- Rated as a 3/3 Star Academy by Alberta Soccer